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    Strategy + Support Sesh

    You know you need help, but you're not sure what you need.

    Or maybe you know what you need, but you're not sure how to make it happen. 

    Or maybe you just need someone to not see the forest for the trees.

    If you'd like to have someone in your corner who has been there, this session might be for you.

    What you get:

    • A questionnaire to help you organize your thoughts so we can make the most of our time together,
    • Reminder notifications of the upcoming session, in the delivery method of your choice,
    • 1 hour of research and prep time before your session,
    • A 1 hour (60 minutes) session with me on Zoom, where you can chat about a specific topic or ask a number of questions for me to answer in the session,
    • A link to the session recording for you to download and review as needed,
    • A post-session recap document, containing resources, actionable tasks, and strategies to consider.

    With a 60-minute session, it's best to zero in on one facet of your business so we can go as deep as we can in the time we have together. 

    Some topics fitting for the Strategy + Support Sesh:
    • Website review
    • Email and/or SMS marketing
    • Switching email marketing platforms
    • Social media marketing
    • Planning a content calendar for your marketing strategy
    • Craft show applications/logistics/display
    • Brand identity assessment
    • Wholesale- getting started
    • Product assortment
    • Pricing strategy
    • Line sheet review/audit
    • High-level website review with conversion rate optimization in mind
    • Getting un-stuck when working on a large project
    • Shopify- getting started or specific questions

    Once your purchase is finalized, you will receive an email with instructions on scheduling the call and a link to a questionnaire to fill out at least 24 hours before our call.