

You have some incredible milestones in your sights.

It isn’t just an expensive hobby or passion project.

And it’s way, waaaay more than just “an Etsy shop.”

Your creativity is your calling. It’s your truest form of expression. It’s the thing that makes you you. It’s pure joy!

Ohhh do I feel you…

When I was running my handmade business Marshmueller for over a decade, I heard the “Oh, so you run an Etsy shop” comment more times than I can count.

And every time, I just wanted to shout, “Oh, it is so much more than that!”

I mean, I had:

• Created a gorgeous professional-looking Shopify website myself

• Worked with a sales rep for wholesale

• Was stocked in stores like Powell’s Books, Made in Oregon, and a bunch of stores nationwide

• I was also selling in-person nearly every week at my local market, and I had managed to sell at some of the most competitive juried shows in my area. 

New arrivals

LIFE happened.

Like it usually does for a lot of us. You can read more about the life quest and the subsequent life pivot here.

Hey there!

Hey there! I'm Holly Marsh

A (former) maker, illustrator, designer, coach, and ecommerce geek.

When you work with me, you'll know you're in good hands with someone who can relate to the joys and the challenges of running a creative product-based business- because I've been there, too!

Leveling up fellow creatives since 2020.

Since 2020, I've (officially) been offering transformations for fellow creatives with their branding, Shopify website, or Klaviyo email marketing. I truly love working with makers, artists, designers, illustrators- basically anyone with a creative product-based business.

When you have the right support...

Building your business can (and should) be every bit as enjoyable as the making side of things.

There should be laughs.

You should be able to let your geek flag fly.

It should feel like a gloriously exciting adventure!

Whether you’re ever so slightly embarrassed by your website…or if you don't have your own website and it's been on your todo list for ages...

or if you think completing Rainbow Road on Mario Kart while blindfolded and riotously drunk would be easier to figure out than your email marketing software…

or designing your branding has involved literal temper tantrums as Adobe Illustrator got the better of you…

I'm here for you.

I’m here to take the mystery, the fear, and the frustration out of business building, so you have the fix you were looking for.

My goal is always to help you grow with the knowledge and confidence you need to keep leveling up your e-commerce game — with or without my support.

And we’ll inject a healthy dose of fun into it wherever and whenever we can.

Ready Player Two.

Ready to build a strong business doing what you love …  and fall in love with the process too? Here’s how.

Wearing my heart on my sleeve - aka values


A client once told me that working with me was “helpfun.” Best. Typo. Ever. Because that’s exactly what I want it to feel like! Helpful fun, and infused with creativity, humor, and thoughtfulness throughout.


Every project is an adventure- getting to know clients and their businesses, and helping them with their challenges is my favorite kind of quest. I strive to make the experience fun, transformative, and deeply co-creative. 


I really do consider it a privilege to be able to do the work I do, and I’m committed to making it inclusive and accessible by creating a friendly, encouraging, and safe environment in the culture and in all I do. 


I’m not just gonna jump in here, bang out some work, and bounce. I’m going to guide and educate you every step of the way so you know what’s happening, why, and how you can work with what I build afterwards.

True Accountability

I hold myself and clients accountable to guide one another on this adventure with collaboration and education. To do the work in a deep way, but also recognizing that we are human and are more than our businesses.


The whole reason I do this is for the relationships. I build those by humbly sharing brilliance, showing appreciation, and expressing compassion before, during, and after our time together.


Choose Your Own Adventure

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